The past few days I was unable to Edit and Continue in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate from my home machine, which is running Windows 7 64bit. I knew there were some issues with this on 64bit, I figured one of my projects was not targeting x86 so I just ignored it. Then today I was really getting annoyed at seeing the dialog.


So I started playing around with the configuration settings made sure that everything was in order and still no dice.

After that I performed a repair of Visual Studio, and then reset all the settings under Tools>Import and Export Settings and that still didn’t solve the problem. Then I remembered that I change my IntelliTrace settings the other day so I went to disable it and to my surprise I saw the dialog box shown below.


When I changed the IntelliTrace setting to collect call information I didn’t notice the warning stating “Edit and continue is disabled when collecting Call Information”! So I changed the setting and everything was good. Microsoft should add this to the Edit and Continue dialog box not available, I’ll ping a few people I know about that. FYI I created this question on Stackoverflow before I resolved it myself.

Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi

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